Guide to good crop protection practices for mango in organic farming gbpp-mangue-enweb.pdf Crop protocolsGuides70 A4 English, French 2021
Pest identification and control FALSE CODLING MOTH FOR THE COACHING SESSIONS FOR PEPPER GROWERS IN SIERRA LEONEFALSE CODLING MOTH, THAUMATOTIBIA LEUCOTRETARead more technicalbrochure-falsecodlingmothforthecoachingsessionsforpeppergrowersinsierraleone-web.pdf
brochuresHygiene measures of production sites and installationsGENERAL PRINCIPLES OF HYGIENERead more brochure-foodsafety-hygienemeasureofproductionsiteshd.pdf
Crop protocolsBaby Pak Choy, baby cauliflower, baby broccoli, sprouting broccoli and head cabbagesRead more gbpp-mini-choux-05-2009-15-1-uk.pdf